Great Space Walk

A journey in seven stages, crossing fourteen listening and experience spaces: from your bathroom to the parish church of Bad Ischl, across alpine pastures to the stone desert of the Totes Gebirge and back again to your everyday life.
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How can I feel the future? The Great Space Walk is a meticulously composed audio piece by Christoph Viscorsum in collaboration with Andreas Hagelüken, gently guiding us out of our seemingly perfect world into a radically primordial wilderness. Audio tracks on your smartphone will serve as mileposts. A composition of voices in your headphones belonging to people working on alpine farms, in sciences, dancing, bioengineering, mountaineering, and spirituality converges with listeners and nature creating experiential spaces.

Such a process takes time: You take your first steps in the intimacy of your own bathroom, the path then leads you from Bad Ischl in five or six days from alpine cabin to alpine cabin, interspersed with long phases of silence from one audio space to the next. In the stone desert on the alpine plateau you, the human being, can unite with space around us – essential for collectively shaping a sustainable future. The descent will lead you through the Stodertal to the last station back to your ordinary life – where the Great Space Walk truly begins.

A project by Christoph Viscorsum in collaboration with Andreas Hagelüken

The first segment of the path leads up to the Rettenbachalm and is accessible all year round. .
Opening of the first segment: January 21, 2024, from 2 pm

Opening of the entire path and the English version: July 7, 2024
Bathroom, parish church, Rettenbachalm, Totes Gebirge 
(Ischlerhütte, Hochkogelhaus, Appelhaus/Wildenseehütte, Pühringerhütte, Prielschutzhaus), every day space
An extended English website will be accessible as of March 2024.

An extended English website will be accessible as of March 2024.


Aleida Assmann, cultural scientist
Hubert von Goisern, musician
Wanda Golonka, choreographer and dancer
Herbert Grill, alpine farmer
Christoph Hüthmair, mountain guide
Gerlinde Kaltenbrunner, professional mountaineer
Veronika Kirchner, test runner
Jutta Leskovar, prehistorian
Anna Morbitzer, believer
Stefan Nuspl, mountaineer
Christian Öhler, pastor
Edith Pühringer, believer
Rebecca Raue, artist
Elisabeth von Samsonow, philosopher and artist
Ariadne von Schirach, writer
Harald Stachelscheid, bio-technologist
David Steindl-Rast, monk and spiritual instructor
Anne Tlach, midwife
Harald Welzer, social psychologist and futurologist


A project by Christoph Viscorsum
in collaboration with Andreas Hagelüken

Curatorial consultant and head of production: Julia Stoff

In charge of parish church Bad Ischl, church projects 2024: Teresa Kaineder, Christian Öhler
Tourist board Bad Ischl: Jakob Reitinger
Alpenverein: Adi Sifkovits, Gerhard König, Thomas Pflügl

Dramaturgical consulting: Thomas Wendrich
Scientific advice: Clava Grimm
Technical advice: Titus Maderlechner, Kortwich Filmtontechnik Berlin, Jean Sczymscak
Legal advice: Peter Raue
Communication: Martin Lengauer, die jungs kommunikation
Graphics: Moritz Appich
Photography: Mirjana Vrbaški
Controlling: Thomas Bold
Translation: Lisa Shoemaker
Porter: Christine Sickinger

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die jungs kommunikation | Martin Lengauer
T: +43 699 10088057 |
Schraubenfabrik, Lilienbrunngasse 18, 1020 Wien